Friday, September 23, 2011

Lundy "Reese" Denell

Hello my name is Lundy "Reese" Denell. I am named after my Mommy's great grandmother (Elizabeth Rosa Lundy) and my Daddy's sweet mommy/my grandmother (Mary Elizabeth Reese). I've had a wonderful introduction to the world so far with lots of snuggles and love.

Proud Reese Birthday Moments

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sharing the Blog

In case any one of you are wondering, I will continue to blog after my sister has arrived. In fact, this is the best way to disseminate news and photos to you about all of us. So if you want to know...find it here!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First Motorcycle Ride

We celebrated Grandma Mary's birthday today. Aunt B took me on my first motorcycle ride and Grandpa Gene-o said it was okay to have a piece of cake the size of my daddy's.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Busy Days

Everyday is full of fun! Thanks Mrs Sarah for the tunnels and thanks Aunt Marty as "Let's Play Ball" is a favorite!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Latest Update on the Prince

Life is flying by and I'm more adorable than ever!

Mommy and Daddy are busy keeping up with my first steps, crawling up and down the stairs and my many mood swings (my molars are emerging). We are all preparing for my baby sister, expected to arrive on September 23rd. I must admit my ambivalence but I know there will be more love than ever in our home.

Catch up on my stats and interests:
* I weigh 30 lbs. (size 5 pampers) and am 2 feet, 8 inches tall (wearing 18-24 month pants and 2T shirts)...I've more than made up for my small introduction.
* Everyone tells me I am as handsome as my Daddy.
* I love to play with balls, cars, bubbles, containers with lids, peek-a-boo and continue to be a diligent reader.
* I have an adorable growl, not just when I see a tiger or lion but an elephant, zebra or horse too.
* I prefer being outdoors as I have become an avid bird and airplane watcher. Stroller walks to the park to swing and slide have become a typical evening routine I enjoy.
* I know several signs in an attempt to communicate (more, all done, drink/milk, dirty, airplane and I've made one up for Metta) although I often become frustrated when I can't express myself adequately.
* Words I know: dad, bubble, banana, go, gone
* In general, I am a very healthy boy. I've had a few ear infections and my tummy continues to be slow to mature. I will eat anything, particularly if you are eating it, but I am still unable to tolerate milk and cheese. I'm hoping to be off my formula (Gentleease) before my baby sister!?!
* Favorite foods: Cheetos (thanks to G-Force), powdered donuts, blueberries, bananas, grapes, watermelon, cookies, yogurt, ice cream (yummy!), chicken nuggets, french fries and lots of water (I prefer to drink through a straw).

I have a wonderful life and wake up with a smile on my face each day. I love my family, Mrs Sarah and my buddies (Eric, Emma and Andrew) and feel blessed by all that surrounds me.

1 John 4:4 "You are of God, little children"