Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Reese!

A beautiful celebration of life!

You want me to wear what?


Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Year Bliss

I am happy, healthy and soulful.  My first year has been complete with delicious foods, wonderful playmates, and fun games!  I am walking everywhere and maintain a very independent spirit.  Favorite foods include spaghetti, oatmeal, fruit of any kind, goldfish crackers and popsicles!  I am entertained by my big brother as I chase him and my Metta dog everywhere.  I love peek-a-bo, holding any two items in my hand at once, cuddling with my red blanket and climbing stairs.  I like to feed myself more than have you help me and prefer drinking from a straw or a regular cup (with no lid). I enjoy looking at books if I can turn the pages and I will let you know when I want to be held.  I also offer very sweet open mouth kisses generously! My smiles come freely and I bring joy and balance to our family with a very unassuming gentleness.

Current Stats:
Height = 30 inches (75%)
Weight = 22lbs 10oz (90%)
Head Circumference = 17 3/4 (50%)