Monday, July 12, 2010

8 Weeks and Counting

Every single day is a new learning adventure for me (turning my head, pulling out my feeding tube, understanding when my tummy is hungry and crying hysterically when discovered, sucking my thumb and simple tasks that you take for granted such as eating and breathing).

I continue to be successful without any assistive breathing devices; I have a few "alarms" (O2 desaturations, episodes of apnea or an occasional bradycardia episode) but I'm able to resolve these all on my own.

I am up to 6 feedings per day (4 bottles and 2 nursing). As I master this, I will move up to 7...then finally 8. When I can finish all 8 on my own consistently, my sweet nurses start to transition me to going home. There is no set time but my mommy and daddy explained we are "seeing a light at the end of the tunnel".

Daddy continues to work hard so I can have nice things waiting for me at home. He visits me before work everyday and feeds me my nighttime bottle. He tells the nurses "he was fussy so I had to hold him" but we both know he's a sucker for my cuteness! and YEAH...we finished Moby I'm hearing something about a Don Quixote?!?!

Mommy stays busy making milk for me and preparing for my homecoming. We spend most of the day together as she feeds me, bathes me and gives me sweet kisses when I have an attitude.

I've heard my doggy friend Metta is acting out because she isn't getting the same attention as before. She's been stealing many of my stuffed toys and hiding them around the house and...well...daddy said there was a "chocolate massacre" the other night as she devoured several hershey bars.

This point in the NICU marathon is very difficult for us all. We continue to press on toward the goal. Please keep praying for successes that lead to good health and home.