Friday, July 30, 2010

Bath Time

I love bath time..especially in mommy's giant tub!

My Pappy

Thanks Pappy for closing the miles between us. Texas is too far! I enjoyed all your "sugars" and love. I will hold you close until we see each other again.

Invader Zim

Thanks cousins Will and Garrett for the cool art work!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I'm so confused about who I will root for in the Pappy and G-force are trying to influence me...still undecided.

I love to be Held

Just over 10 weeks now, there's nothing more that I love than to be held...and nana Martha doesn't mind that either.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Grand Dads!

They are called Pappy, Poppy, Gene-O and G-Force!

Pappy is here from Texas now to cuddle me and give me "sugars"...not to mention take care of a few handy man projects for mommy.

Poppy is expected later in the week...and I'm sure he will be making his famous spaghetti for me.

Gene-O checks in on me to be amazed at my growth and to ensure my daddy is well equipped in the cocktail department (as all experienced dads should be).

and G-Force's gift of helps never ends; he's mowed our lawn all summer, filled our cars with gas and washed them almost weekly, brought food, walked Metta and snuggled with me on numerous occasions.

Dads are Grand and AWESOME!

Great Grandparent Blessings

Grandpa "Erazim" Reese and Gigi held me sweetly.

My sweet Nana Henderson sends her hugs, kisses and lots of special presents; I can't wait to visit her in Texas. My angel Papa "Prince" visits me in my dreams and sends his love.

Mommy gives me precious Grandbonnie kisses often to remind me I am loved.

Busy Settling In

Life at home has been full of new smells, scenery, noises and smiles. We are all adjusting and enjoying each other.

The first few nights I slept in my new room. Daddy had trouble hearing my monitor when it alarmed so I've since moved into their room. Thanks to Great Uncle Dave and Aunt Laura, I have a crib in mommy and daddy's room too. I have terrible reflux (like most preemies) so my mattress is elevated or I'm napping in my bouncy seat...still trying to figure out what is most comfortable.

Metta dog is curious about all my noises and leaves the room whenever I cry; she too is finding her new role in the family.

I'm weighing 6lbs 1 oz as of yesterday...we are doing something right!! We've added Karo syrup to one of my bottle feedings to help with my constipation...this sweet treat is supposed to help things start rollin'.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No Visitors Please

Although I know someday I will be a party animal, at this time I have to limit my visitors to immediate family only. The conditions for me going home were to remain as isolated as possible and to be on a monitor because I'm still very fragile. Please help my mommy and daddy keep me healthy and growing by waiting to see me when I am able. Continue to pray and send sweet thoughts as I transition to all my new surroundings.

To my dear family, please call before you come see me.

My First Meal

First feeding in my new room!

Home Sweet Home

Much to everyone's surprise but certainly not protested, I found where I belong!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

There's Something About Those Eyes

If you remember, at the beginning of July my eyes were examined and mommy and daddy were told "they are mature". My doctors marveled because for my age and stage this is particularly abnormal. As a result, they felt to be most conservative and precautious, the opthamologist reexamined and WOW...they were right the first time. My eyes are super!...and the windows to my soul.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello or Goodbye

There are rumors that they may let me leave here definite plans or dates but I'm certainly doing my part. I'm eating all my meals on my own, weighing 5 lbs. 7oz., and getting all my "going home" screens completed (car seat inspection, hearing screen, immunizations, etc). Mommy and daddy are praying they can escort me out of here soon!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Aunts Are A Wonderful Thing!

A giant thanks to my Aunt Katie who came to see me recently. I'm sure I'll have more visitors as my Aunt B is back from her 2 week stay at Camp Birchwood, my Aunt Rebecca is returning from her week touring with her choir buddies, and my Aunt Anna is expected back from Texas (where a piece of my heart will always be given my mommy's roots) sometime in August.

I look forward to meeting my Uncle Kevin...he sends me the coolest outfits!

Hip hip hooray for my cousin Bella who took her first steps today...I can't wait to chase you someday.

I love my family!

8 Weeks and Counting

Every single day is a new learning adventure for me (turning my head, pulling out my feeding tube, understanding when my tummy is hungry and crying hysterically when discovered, sucking my thumb and simple tasks that you take for granted such as eating and breathing).

I continue to be successful without any assistive breathing devices; I have a few "alarms" (O2 desaturations, episodes of apnea or an occasional bradycardia episode) but I'm able to resolve these all on my own.

I am up to 6 feedings per day (4 bottles and 2 nursing). As I master this, I will move up to 7...then finally 8. When I can finish all 8 on my own consistently, my sweet nurses start to transition me to going home. There is no set time but my mommy and daddy explained we are "seeing a light at the end of the tunnel".

Daddy continues to work hard so I can have nice things waiting for me at home. He visits me before work everyday and feeds me my nighttime bottle. He tells the nurses "he was fussy so I had to hold him" but we both know he's a sucker for my cuteness! and YEAH...we finished Moby I'm hearing something about a Don Quixote?!?!

Mommy stays busy making milk for me and preparing for my homecoming. We spend most of the day together as she feeds me, bathes me and gives me sweet kisses when I have an attitude.

I've heard my doggy friend Metta is acting out because she isn't getting the same attention as before. She's been stealing many of my stuffed toys and hiding them around the house and...well...daddy said there was a "chocolate massacre" the other night as she devoured several hershey bars.

This point in the NICU marathon is very difficult for us all. We continue to press on toward the goal. Please keep praying for successes that lead to good health and home.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our Family

Taking Off

I'm finally breathing on my own...YIPEE! I look like a different boy without my nose prongs...check out those cheeks. I'm a proud member of the 5lb club!

Mirror Mirror on the Wall...

I could just spend hours looking at myself in the mirror?!?!?

...and of course sucking on my pacifier!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Yesterday was day 50 in NICU!

Sleeping the Day Away

I'm beginning to wake up well before my feeding times...and I'm starving/"hangry" (hungry and angry).

Otherwise...sleeping the days away.

My Thumbs

My ears, tummy, hands and feet...everything is growing.

I weigh 4lbs. 12oz. as of last night.

It's been said that my thumbs are much like my uncle Matty's but I think they look similar to Daddy's as well?!?!?

Notes to My Sweet Nurse Angels

I often write notes to my nurses to remind them of things I enjoy or prefer.

Here's a sample I thought my Poppy and Gene-O would appreciate.

New Friends

My friend Maggie came to visit me this weekend. She's also the one who made my "LOST" name badges back in my 3rd week of life; unfortunately the NICU confiscated those quickly for "security purposes" although they did comment on how cute they were.

My friend Monica also came...she must come again soon so we can have a picture together. Sorry I slept through most of our visit; I will try to be better company next time.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

First try at the bouncy seat (passed on by my cousins Brock and Bella)...
having mixed feelings about it?!?

Eating 2 bottles a day and nursing once.

Happy 4th!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Big Beautiful Eyes

I passed my eye exam! Although my doctors are skeptical because it is so unusual for my age, my eyes have matured...will have recommended follow-up in 6 months.