Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Nana & G-Force

I've been spending alot of time with my nana and G-Force at their house and I'm loving it!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Highlights from my 1st Turkey Day
*Aunt Becca's kitty walked on nana's apple pie...there was a do-over!
*Texas visitors: Gammie, Poppy & (surprise) Aunty Anna
*My new Dallas Cowboy gear (and they almost won the game)
*We had two giant birds! Everyone said all the food was delicious
*My giant thanks for all the love around me

Quality Family Time

Mommy & Daddy

My Silly Aunts

Texas Surprise

Aunty Anna surprised us all by driving in from Texas! I love being kissed by a beautiful girl.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Special Visitors

Gammie & Poppy were here to celebrate being thankful with me!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sweet Times Grandpa & Gigi

I loved visiting Grandpa & Gigi today. I get lots of hugs and give my sweetest smiles.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


An adaptation of a (Hindu) prayer from Inayat Khan
"Gracious and loving God, send your peace, that we may think, act and speak harmoniously; that amidst our worldly strife, we may enjoy your bliss. Send your peace, that our lives may become a divine vision of paradise in this very moment. Amen."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

6 Month Check-In

Happy 6 Month Birthday to Me!
* I've graduated from the preemie growth charts and am measured with my peers:
Height = 25 1/4 inches (25th percentile)
Weight = 15 lbs 8 oz (25th percentile)
Head Circ = 16 3/4 (10th percentile)
* Still loving my neocate and now my neocate cereal! Eating is one of my favorite passtimes.
* I enjoy looking at books, playing peekaboo, puppet shows, skyping with Pappy & Gi/Gammie & Poppy, visits to my new room at Nana & G-Force's house and as always my baths and mirror time. I've recently become aware of the television, memorized by the flashing colors.
* Still sleeping through the night! 7PM bedtime and I rise and shine with lots of smiles around 7AM.
* Eye contact is very important to me right now (especially during my Level 5 conversations).
So far, I'm healthy and happy!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tummy Time

Still adjusting!?!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy High Chair

My new high chair and I are getting along great. With my excellent "holding-up-my-enormous-head" skills and the tiny teeth poking in, I'm going to start eating some cereal this week. Sweet!

Thank you to all the Reese family who bought this awesome high chair as my welcome to the world gift!

Vikings vs Packers

I've given up on the Cowboys this year. Despite the influences, I'm still undecided about my favorite NFL team.

My Very Special Friend

Eric is Miss Sarah's baby boy and I love when he comes to play with me. He is my very special friend!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Recent Highlights

* Almost 6 months of age
* May have a few teeth moving around or thinking about coming in?!? I love to put my fingers in my mouth
* Weighing in at 14lbs 11oz
* Had 1st Synagis shot this week (4 more to go) to give me a few extra antibodies and hopefully prevent RSV this season
* Mommy starts work on Monday! I'll be with Miss Sarah and my new friend, Eric (her son) on Monday and Thursday. Tuesdays will be with Nana Martha...and I hear she is getting a room ready for me at her house.

Roll Over

I love to show off for Miss Sarah; today I rolled over for the first time!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Aunty Anna

Aunty Anna recently won 3 top ten ribbons in Tulsa, OK at the US National Arabian Horse Show. Congrats to my cool aunt who adores horses!