Upon my arrival from the NICU to my new home I was introduced to Metta. I have found that she might love my pacifiers more than I do. Whenever one falls to the floor she quickly picks it up and takes it to her stockpile in the backyard. She can drive my mommy nuts with her version of the pacifier chase game. What happens here is a pacifier innocently falls to the floor. Usually I spit it out without my mom noticing. Metta sees an opportunity for fun. Quickly grasps the soothing device in her mouth and begins playfully wagging her tail. Mom can see my pacifier in Metta's mouth and demands for Metta to come. This is where the game begins. A battle of wills. Metta determined to claim a new toy on one side. Mommy ready to get back her one trick that will keep me from crying on the other. The more mommy demands that Metta drop the pacifier the more Metta is ready for the chase. What entails next is flury of excitement of mom carrying me chasing the defiant dog around the house until Metta is caught or she finds refuge in her favorite hiding place under the bed.