Today is the day I was supposed to be born into the world. Although it hasn't been an easy journey thus far, I am so grateful for the extra love I have received because I came early.
A special thanks to my sweet doctors and nurses at St. Elizabeth's NICU because without them I would not be thriving as well as I am. My world entrance was dramatic; I needed lots of intervention and we count my presence as a miracle because of the knowledge and tenderness extended to me while I was there for 10 1/2 weeks.
Now I am home...with my sweet family...where I belong! I weigh 7lbs 13oz. I eat every 2 hours (between 2-3 oz), with a combination of bottling and nursing. I don't need as much beauty rest these days either so I am enjoying play time and exploring new sounds and sites at home. I often spend my hours between my vibrating bouncy seat, my swing, tummy time and well...nothing ranks higher in my book than being held! My bed is still in mommy and daddy's room but I anticipate a relocation party soon. As I have less alarms on my monitor and I continue to grow, we are all contemplating the benefits of our own space (besides...my nursery ROCKS!).
Due to my increased risk for infection, I still have limitations on my visitors and I am confined to the house with the exception of my doctor visits and an occasional walk with Metta when it isn't 100 degrees outside. Other challenges include my reflux (which I continue to take medication for), my giant outty (due to a hernia) and a hydrcele (which involves my privates so we won't go there). I've also had intermittent struggles with my bowels but nothing an occasional suppository can't fix. As for the other bodily functions, I have mastered the spit up, flatulence, hiccups and on a good day all three at one time!
I love sucking on my pacifier, listening to music and someone singing to me, making funny noises, using my eyes and my hands to express myself and (as already mentioned) being held. My bath time is one of my favorite activities...it's SOOOO relaxing. Of course, my loving to eat goes without saying!
My personality is both sweet and stubborn. Unfortunately, my father's patience will have to be a learned trait. I cry...often...but especially when getting my diaper changed, when I am hungry and when I don't get what I want. In the same minute, I can wrap my arms around you and snuggle my sweet baby breath into your neck for a perfect cuddle.
Today and everyday is a celebration of LIFE! Life with good health, good friends and good family. We make everyday a "great day!"