Wednesday, June 30, 2010

First Bottle

I was able to finish a whole bottle last night (35 cc)! Yippee!..then I was exhausted!

Check out my biceps...they are starting to shape up like my uncle Matty's!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6 Weeks in the World

Yesterday I celebrated being 6 weeks in the world and 33 weeks and 3 days old.

So many fabulous changes as I grow:
  • I'm now weighing in at 4lbs 1.2oz
  • I'm able to finish 60% of my daily bottle (took 22cc of my 35cc feeding)
  • I can be kissed, squeezed and held by mommy and daddy anytime
  • I'm rockin' my new crib as I enjoy the room air setting of my high flow O2
  • I can scare my daddy with my giant and explosive (during changing time) dirty diapers
  • I can lift and reposition my head on my own
  • I love making grunting, groaning and (to use a Nana Henderson word) "motor boating" noises
I'm loving life!

As for mommy and daddy...they are loving their life with me in it!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome to my "crib"!

I'm beginning to join the real world...bye bye isolette...hello big boy crib. It's a nice pad if I do say so myself!

All signs of infection are now gone so I'm back to my regular feeding schedule every 3 hours (33 cc) and all my antibiotics have been discontinued. I've been practicing my nursing and bottle skills at least one time a day; it's not easy but I'm working hard.

Just had to show you my monkey blanket that keeps me company at night.

Thanks to Nana Martha, Aunts Rebecca and Bayley for a fun bathtime and helping with my new bed.

Peace out to my "#1 fans"!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

6/23 Update

I had another blood transfusion yesterday. My sweet doctors have been concerned about a stomach infection. I was having more trouble breathing and they saw a few troublesome spots on my tummy x-ray.

They increased my high flow oxygen from 1 to 4 and turned my O2 up to raise my sats. It seems to have worked as I've been able to wean down today to a 2 flow and mostly room air. The worst part was that they stopped feeding me...YIKES! We discovered that I'm like my daddy when I am hungry...grumpy! Today at 2PM they gave me half a feeding and are going to keep trying to increase it. Since they started me on antibiotics (in case of infection) they poked my head with an I'm not as handsome as usual with my tubes but still as sweet!

I'm weighing in at 3lbs 13 oz. now!!

(Thanks Karla Whisler for the warm hat and blankets!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Several Firsts in Week 5!

Aunt B helped give me a bath.

G-Force held me on Father's Day.

I had my first bottle (6/21/10) and drank 13cc on my own.

My Story

My name is Erazim Prince Denell; I am named after my great grandfather's Herbert "Erazim" Reese and Jack "Prince" Henderson. I was born on May 17, 2010 after 27 weeks living in my mommy's belly. My current home is in the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Elizabeth's hospital but everyday I get stronger so I will be ready for my throne on Hanson Court (move over Metta Dog!). Obviously being born early presents challenges for me and my mommy and daddy. Since out of the womb, I underwent PDA ligation surgery, have been on and off the ventilator due to underdeveloped lungs and slowly am learning to tolerate my mommy's milk.

I love to lay on my tummy, suck on my pacifier, be read Moby Dick (by daddy) and Aesop's Fable's (by Pappy). The most fun I have had is being held by my mommy and daddy; they call it "kangarooing" skin to skin...what a blast!

Mommy and Daddy have had their own share of ups and downs. Daddy had a terrible case of poison ivy so he couldn't touch me for awhile; he also lost his front tooth one day but lucky for him, he caught the dentist who fixed it before he was heading out of town. Mommy recovered quickly from her preeclampsia and surgery; she continues to regain her strength slowly. And both have lost alot of sleep...but I'm worth it! Please continue to pray for me: I want to grow big and strong so I can go home as soon as possible. My mommy and daddy have such wonderful friends and family; they tell me how appreciative and helpful they are as they bring meals, send notes, and say lots of prayers. I definitely have a personality all my own. I've stolen the hearts of many of the nurses here at the NICU and I'm not afraid to tell people what I like and don't like...they've called me stubborn at times (which I've been told I get from my mommy). My handsome looks are all my daddy though!